Monday, October 30, 2006

Tabloid of the Day
There are often these useless tabloids which are near the cashiers' counters in supermarker. I am wondering about the quality and joblessness of the readers who go through these tabloids (of course then there are bloggers like me). Here is what I read the last night on a tabloid - "Kate [Hudson] leaving the country for two months, can Owen [Wilson] stay True...". Come on, there is a limit to something...First of all, do we care if Kate Hudson is leaving the country for two months. Given that it is true, what is the point of speculating if Owen is going to be infidel then. Even if you are going to be infidel, dude, look at me, I left my home country several years ago, forget about having a celebrity girlfriend. Are you that helpless that you cannot stand nights alone for two months ?


Noodle said...

Hear hear! I heartily agree with your sentiments. Celebrities seem to live in some kind of amoral parallel world to the rest of society these days, and the tabloids seem to be quite willing to put their unscrupulous lives up there on display for the easily shaped minds of young teenagers to copy. FOR SHAME!

Jenny said...

The best one I read was about two stars (I don't even remember who) who had NOT been seen together, leading to the obvious conclusion that they were avoiding being seen together, even more obviously PROVING that there was indeed something going on!

Hmm, clearly...

john said...

Even if you were the cheating type, the reporters following you everywhere might give you the hint that you are going to get caught.