Friday, July 07, 2006

Why Conference Call is so Good ?

Of late I have been attending mostly conference call meetings. I have started liking it more than physical meetings. In some cases, I find it more productive than physical meetings since I often send report and agenda before conference call meeting. Moreover, we can terminate a conference call if we don't have anything to discuss. Here are some reasons why I like conference calls.

  • It gives me an impression that I am a very important person and am talking to the President of USA on secure hotline.
  • The other person cannot see my facial expression. Neither do I have to be well-shaved or neatly dressed.
  • I can find an excuse for being late; no one is going to notice what I was doing. I could say, phone had a problem.
  • It gives me access to many other things during a conference call. I can drink coffee, I can browse. In some cases, I even did experiments on the fly as my co-author asked me questions and I could report results of those experiments to answer the questions.
  • Its mostly Voice over IP rather than regular telephony; so it makes a case that network engineers are still of some use.
  • It gives me a feeling that the world is well-connected and I can reach any corner in milliseconds.
  • It sharpens by hearing skills, I tend to be more focussed since I know I have only ears in help.


KB said...

Conference calls are great because you don't have to participate at all so long as you're logged in.

Kuhu said...

Conference calls are great bcoz you can just disconnect when you can't answer a question and not get back till you find it. Then put the blame on the phone. But I can't agree with you about the late arrival. Here it becomes a big issue if you are not in time.

Anonymous said...

well, this is not always ture, especially for the non-native-english speakers, like me. If I can not make a rapid response using clear,fluent and precise english, the people on the other end of the phone will lost their patient, and the people sitting around me at this end will also easily get distracted. roughly speaking, it is really hard for me chime in and become a strong voice in the conference call, even if I totally understand what they are discussing and already have some better idea than those person talking on the phone so actively.
for me, i prefer to discuss with people face to face, a blackborad even better, i can use my language, my gestures, my "charm" to draw their attention and make them fully understand what I am talking about.

BB said...

Z, thanks for writing and good to know your opinion...agree some people like to interact with others in person and face-to-face.