Thursday, September 14, 2006


Will be visiting India for around 3 weeks, so won't be writing until Oct first week. While it is exciting but it also worries that work will get stalled. Hope to catch up reading some papers, books while traveling.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


God made fire, Man made marriage. Recently several of my friends got engaged or married. Some got married after years of courtship while others after one or two conversations with bride in an arranged fashion. I still cannot see the point how readily one can commit to someone and get married. Here are excerpts from the conversations I had with some of those friends:

DB: Hey, why did you get married ? Are you happy ? What made you think that you wouldn't have gotten a better wife had you waited a little longer ?

Friend1: What kind of stupid question is that ! You should be happy with what you get. At least I am that kind of person. If you get older, you won't find a wife.

Friend2: There will be always be someone better and if you keep searching for one, it may take for ever.What are your priorities in life ? You should judge a girl what kind of person she is. Education, job etc can be acquired whereas nature and attitude of a person cannot be changed. So, try to see if a girl has the right kind of attitude in life. I think you should talk to your dad about this and don't take too much opinions from a girl on this since their views will be skewed on marriage issues.

I am not sure if they are practical or I am doubtful about marriage....